Improving the world of
work for
THE measure of EDI commitment
Our Vision
An inclusive and welcoming world of work – where everyone belongs and is valued and appreciated for their uniqueness and individuality.
Our Accreditation
Becoming accrEDIted© delivers benefits to every organisation, whatever its size or sector. Offering an Equal, Diverse and Inclusive environment for your people is essential for the future success of your organisation. Being accrEDIted© demonstrates your genuine EDI commitment

The highest accolade an organisation can achieve – they will be exemplary in all measures – beacons of best practice.

For organisations who have made a great start and are showing determined, long-term commitment to continuous improvement.

For organisations, who are starting out on the EDI journey – they are doing good things, but still have room for further improvement.

Started our journey
When organisations apply to become accrEDIted© they can use the "started our journey" mark to demonstrate their commitment until their accreditation result is confirmed.
The EDI Journey
Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is about consistently removing barriers, creating fair and equal opportunities for all people and inclusive environments for them to thrive.
You are serious about EDI
You are making great progress
You have removed all barriers